When someone you care about has a clutter problem or hoarding disorder, it can be concerning
not to mention frustrating for those those care about them.
If you family member or friend is ready to receive help, then contact me to discuss how I can help by clicking here.
Prices can be viewed here.
If the person experiencing clutter is not willing, nor feels ready to access support yet I cannot get involved.
However that doesn't mean that there's nothing you can do to help.
A great resource for you is the book 'Understanding Hoarding' by Jo Cooke here:
They can print off a hoarding disorder icebreaker form here which they can take to their GP to request help.
Cluttered homes are at risk of fire, so contact your local Fire and Rescue service and ask for a home check,
they may be able to install smoke detectors to minimise risk.
Do not enforce a clear, thinking this will help. This is very traumatic and can actually make things worse. The root of the problem is very rarely regarding the stuff. Try just being a friend, and listen to them talk. Knowing someone is there to support without judgement or 'taking over' really is a very good starting point for change.
A few points to remember:
Don't throw things away without consent.
Do listen to what they are telling you.
Get psychological support where possible - ie Mental Health/GP/Bereavement services
Help them to create safe walkways/keep doorways clear (stackable boxes may minimise the risk of 'avalanche').
Get fire safety awareness.